Skrip - tyur' - i - ent: adj. Possessing the violent desire to write.



Ugh. So I’ve been thinking, off and on, all day about posting something. And I got nothing. I’ve decided that the reason I’ve got blogger’s block (a term I thought I just invented, but a quick Google search returns 39,200 results, so, um, maybe not) is that I got a nasty comment on one of my posts. See for yourself.

Now, when I set up my Blogger account I had to decide if I wanted comments enabled or not. I did, and was actually excited about maybe getting a little interaction with my viewing public (both of you). I also decided to enable comments on past entries, too, because -- well, why not?

But I found myself trolling through entries during the day to see if anyone had left a comment somewhere… which is hugely self-centered and vain (which doesn’t really bother me) but it is also a huge suck of my time. So I set up Blogger to email me comments when they come in.

Oddly enough, shortly after I did so I got a comment on the very first entry I wrote, back in 2004, from someone I knew in college. And, of course, today’s nasty comment. I just find it odd that I might not have seen these entries for a long time if I didn’t set up the account in the way I did.

ANYWAY… this comment presumably comes from someone who knows my ex-girlfriend. And the negativity again presumably comes from something she said about me. So now I’m all “well, clearly I need to tell my side!” while the other half of me says, “jeez, who cares?” and the other other half says, “Do it! It’s a great story!”

But if my ex is reading this site, I certainly don’t need to give her (or her friends) any further “boy, he is an asshole!” ammo -- cuz the story doesn’t exactly make me look like a hero.

Blah… this seems to happen every so often -- I’m reminded that people other than the four friends (and my wife) I know for sure read this are actually peeking in, and I get all freaked out about it. But up until now I assumed that anyone reading this was friendly or indifferent; I didn’t really think anyone would have a grudge against me.

Well, screw it! There’s nothing for it but to keep on writing. Some people will like my writing, some will hate my writing, and, I guess, some will hate me.

Comments are open.


Blogger Lil Kate said...

I say focus on the fans you have that love your posts! If I could, I'd wear a "I heart Scripturient" T-shirt which would both tout you, and peeve you. The best of both worlds!

8:26 AM


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