Skrip - tyur' - i - ent: adj. Possessing the violent desire to write.


#173 In which our hero helps celebrate a birthday with an odd, but highly-desired item.

Lily turned three on Thursday. It’s amazing that this little human has been a constant part of our lives for three entire years now… it doesn’t seem that long. What is even more amazing is that in only three years she’s grown from a basically immobile and non-communicative lump into a real little person with her own personality, quirks and, naturally, attitude.

And as much as I rant and rail about men who are lousy husbands and fathers… I forgot that it was her birthday. Yeah, I’m a shithead. I was thinking it was the 6th. So when The Scientist called to ask when I would be home, I hold her that I had to work late, and to go ahead and eat without me.

THE SCIENTIST: Oh… do you want us to do cake and presents without you, too?
ME: Oh shit! Tonight’s Lily’s birthday?
TS: Yeah.
ME: Okay, never mind. I’ll be home.

I brought work home with me -- something I try to never do. Not because of some home/work line in the sand, but rather, because I never get around to doing it at home. And indeed, those papers stayed in my bag until the next day, untouched.

I got home a little late, but just in time for cake:

And presents:

And finally… remember when Lily wanted that stupid plastic helmet back before Halloween, and had a little bit of a meltdown when we wouldn't buy it for her?

That night, as I was tucking her into bed, we had this conversation.

ME: Lily, did you have a nice birthday?
LILY: Yeah.

She curled up under her blanket, facing the wall. Suddenly she twisted to look up at me.

LILY: Daddy? I’m so happy you boughted me that helmet. I really wanted it!
ME: I’m glad, honey.
LILY: I love it the best!
Happy birthday, Lily. I love you. Even more than a $4 plastic helmet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that Christmas wrapping paper? Too funny!!

8:35 PM

Blogger Lil Kate said...

That helmet suits her. ;) I can see why it was her favorite.

9:49 AM


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