Skrip - tyur' - i - ent: adj. Possessing the violent desire to write.



Posting on the weekends? Killing me.

Just about anything I do (even things I really enjoy, such as writing) take on the feeling of a chore when you tell me I have to do them every day. That's part of the reason that it's 10:30pm and I just realized "Oh shit, I need to post something. But I don't have any motivation."

So, to that end: 5 REASONS to keep posting every day:

$100 Amazon gift certificate
Professionally designed blog header
$25 iTunes gift certificate
Weird homemade plushes
$100 of Burt's Bees merch

These are, coincidentally, some of the dozens of available prizes for those who manage to post every day during NaBloPoMo. I would love to have any of the above (honestly, I'd love to have nearly anything on the list; it's a wonderful collection of the overtly valuable and the oddly adorable) and unless I keep posting, I'll be out of the running.

And so, I am done for the day.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use whatever motivates you, I'm hoping that the gods of karma reward you for not winning the Halloween costume, which you clearly deserved...good luck!

7:48 PM


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